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3 Ways to Encourage Yourself into Healthy Habits

Lots of times I'll hear from clients - how do I keep motivated to treat myself well? Its a great question! Motivation will ebb and flow - so realizing that & helping yourself stay on the right track takes some strategy. Well here are my go-to ways (and these are not paid endorsements, just my own ways of self-care)

  1. Start your day right. Are you morning workout person? Set your (cute - always cute) workout clothes the night before as a visual reminder. Drink at least 1 glass of water - try adding a squeeze of organic lemon, or add mint. This hydrates your body after hours of no water - it will soak it up! Make your bed, I know - rude reminder, but did you know making your bed sets your brain on a good pattern? Clean organized bed=clean organized thinking. If you are not a morning workout-er - thats ok - just be sure to block your daily calendar for some type of phyical activity each day.

2, Spend your down time doing things to help your body/brain. Pick up a good book - some of my go-tos:

For health motivation - my bible & gift to all clients - Younger Next Year. I read this at least once a year.

For entertainment + health motivation - Born Round - Frank Bruni's NY Times Bestseller. (thank you client Katie for introducing me to this fun, full read!)

For inspiration on the human spirit - The Boys in the Boat - Daniel James Brown. (thank you client Fred for recommending) Love this true story of spirit, athleticism & patriotism.

For entertainment + humor - laughing is good for the soul - The New One - by Mike Birbiglia. Sweet, so funny, endearing. (big thank you for Mike to sending this when his comedy performance locally was canceled due to covid)

How about Podcasts? I'm a big listener my top 4:

  1. For health & wellness: Food, We Need to Talk

  2. Learning: Here's Where it Gets Interesting

  3. For a good cry, or dealing with grief: All There Is with Anderson Cooper

  4. For a quick feel good story: My Unsung Hero

3. Take time to care for your body - we all love to workout hard - but we also need to help the body recover and heal with massage. I have several local places that I love:

For knowing the body & helping with concerns:

Susan Brown - Medical Massage Therapist - Healing Arts LLC - 302 530-9152

Dave Pussey - Movement & Bodywork Therapist - 302-521-7726

Favorite Spas

Telo - Where stress meets relief - Julie has so many great ways to help you destress - massage, infrared sauna, cbd....and she knows just what your body needs - one of my favorite new spots! 302-384-7755

Favorite Spa Experience- Joseph Anthony 610-459-4663(thanks to Julie from Telo for telling me about this!) . Spend the day - foot soaks, massage, salt room finisher - full pampering!

Facials - so needed as we age! My go to for facials is Erin Draper of Evolve Esthetiques! Amazing knowledge and the cuting edge in the industry - you will leave feeling refreshed and yes younger. Erins understanding of your skin is a true gift to Wilmington! (302) 307-3121

Favorite new find in town? Mossgod! Locally in Trolley Square, this company is all natural products from Jamaica. Cute little place to sit and have healthy teas or shop for skin/body care treatments.

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